We hope that you have found this learning module informative and helpful. The project team want this module to be a living document which is kept relevant and up-to-date. We are also hoping to help share the most innovative and thoughtful approach building social dialogue on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity.
We are looking to you: managers, union representatives, and other stakeholders who have developing, piloting and embedding new approaches to managing age. Therefore, we would like you to join our Community of Practice on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Social Partnership. Joining the Community of Practice will involve:
- Being kept informed of ASPIRE activities
- Sharing good practice being developed in your workplace
- Providing case studies of good practice
- Advising other ASPIRE group members who are looking to improve approaches to workplace ageing.
If you are interested in joining our Community of Practice, please complete the form to the left. Whether or not you are interested in joining the Community of Practice, please complete the Feedback form.
On behalf of the ASPIRE project team, thank you for your interest and contribution to the research!