Professor Matt Flynn

Matt Flynn is a professor at the University of Hull and Director the Centre for Research into the Older Workforce. He has carried out research for both the UK and Hong Kong governments on the impact of ageing demographics on the world of work. He has produced good practice guides for employers on making work attractive to older workers; constructing phased retirement pathways; and making the best use of skills and talents in intergenerational work teams. He is currently working with partners in Spain, Italy and Poland on a European Commission funded project developing industry-specific approaches to workplace active ageing. He is also working with British employers and armed services in supporting older veterans into high quality civilian work. Finally, he edited a book which explored how employers and governments in Asia and Europe are addressing the challenges of ageing workplaces.

# Published articles

Matt Flynn’s publications:

Articles in refereed journals

• Flynn, M., Upchurch, M., Muller-Camen, M., Schroeder, H., (2013) “Trade Union Responses to an Ageing Workforce”, Human Relations, Impact factor: 1.372

• Upchurch, M., Croucher, R. and Flynn, M. (forthcoming), “Political congruence and trade union renewal,” Work, Employment and Society, Impact factor: 1.239

• Harcourt, M., Clarke, C. and Flynn, M. Clinical Governance, Performance appraisal, and interactional and procedural fairness at a New Zealand public hospital,” Journal of Business Ethics, Impact factor: .963

• Muller-Camen, M, Croucher, R., Flynn, M., Schroeder, H. (2011), “National Institutions and Employers´ Age Management Practices in Britain and Germany: ‘Path Dependence’ and Option Creation,” Human Relations, 64(4) 507-530 Impact factor: 1.372

• Flynn, M. (2010), “The United Kingdom Government’s ‘Business Case’ Approach to the Regulation of Retirement,” Ageing and Society, 30 (4), 1-23. Impact factor: 1.221

• Flynn, M. “Mandatory Retirement in the Police Service: the Case of the London MPS”, (2010) Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 34 (1), 67-82 Impact factor: .289

• Flynn, M. (2010), “Who Is Motivated to Extend Working Life Beyond Retirement Age? Typologies of Older Workers” Personnel Review, 39 (5) 308-324. Impact factor: .702

• Harcourt, M; Lam, H; Harcourt, S; Flynn, M (2007), Discrimination in Hiring Against Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: The Effect of Unionization”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (1) : 98-115. Impact factor: .856

• Flynn, M. and Croucher, R. (2006). “Retired Members in a British Union”, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (3) 593-603. Impact factor: 1.105

• Owen, L. and Flynn, M. (2005). “Changing Work: Mid to Late Life Transitions in Employment”, Ageing International, 29 (4): 333-350.

Government reports

• McNair, S., Flynn, M., Myerson, J., Gheerawo, R., Ramster, G. (2013), Foresight: Implications of an Ageing Society for Manufacturing, Foresight Future, Business, Innovations and Skills Department, London.

• McNair, S., Flynn, M., & Dutton, Y. (2007), Employer Responses to an Ageing Workforce: a Qualitative Study, DWP, London.

• McNair, S. and Flynn M. (2006). Managing an Ageing Workforce in Nine Key Sectors, Department for Work and Pensions, London

• Owen-Hussey, L., McNair, S., & Flynn, M. 2006, Age Discrimination: a Lived Experience and the Employer Dimension, European Social Fund and SEEDA, Guildford.

• McNair, S. and Flynn, M. (2005). The Age Dimension of Employment Practices, Employment Relations Research Series, Department for Trade and Industry, London.

• McNair, S., Flynn, M., Humphreys, C., Woodfield, S., and L. Owen, (2004) Older People Changing Work: A Report on Job Change in Britain, University of Surrey, Guildford.

Report to esteemed audiences

• Flynn, M. and Li, Y., (2012) Organisational change and retirement outcomes: What Siegrist and Karasek can tell us, IFSAM, 27 June

• Flynn, M., Chatrakul, U. and Schroeder, H. The impact of life course on older workers’ career trajectories, TransEurope Conference, 20-21 May.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2011) The management of an ageing workforce: An assessment of organizational policies in Germany and the UK. Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio (USA): 12-16 August.

• Flynn, M., Schroder, H., Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (2011) Moving from work to retirement: What life course theory tells us about retirement trajectories. TransEurope Conference, Sofia (Bulgaria): 20-21 May

• Sieben, B., Pantelmann, H., Flynn, M., Muller-Camen, M., Schroder, H. (2010) Re-constructing age images in UK and Germany: Corporate and socio-political actors’ rhetoric on age (management) discourses, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Wien (Austria): 14-16 July.

• Flynn, M.(2010) Ageing Populations – A Look at Hong Kong and Japan, Presentation to British Council and Community Business, “Ageing: Impact on Businesses in Asia”, 9 April

• Flynn, M., (2009) Age Management in the UK, Germany and Japan: How National Context Matters, Presentation to the International Labour Organisation Symposium “International Symposium on Business Responses to the Demographic Challenge 28-29 April.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2009) The management of an ageing workforce: A comparative multi-level assessment of organizational policies and practices in Germany and the UK, Dutch HRM Network Conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands): 13-14 November.

• Flynn, M., Muller-Camen, M., Schroder, H. (2009) European trade union convergence? The age management approach of British and German trade unions, Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal, Hamburg (Germany): 24-25 September.

• Flynn, M., Muller-Camen, M., Higo, M., Schroder, H. (2009) Firm-level policies and late career transitions in Germany, Japan and Britain: A qualitative case study approach in the chemical, steel and retail industries, European Sociological Association conference, Lisbon (Portugal): 2-5 September.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder H. (2009) From youth-centric to age-positive Human Resource Management: A comparative assessment of British and German organisations, 21st Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting, Paris (France): 16-18 July.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2009) The management of older secondary school teachers – The impact of national institutions on employers´ Age Management practices in Britain and Germany, World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris (France): 5-9 July.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2009) From youth-centric to age-positive HRM, 2009 CIPD Professional Standards Conference, Nottingham (UK): 25 June.

• Flynn, M., Muller-Camen, M., Schroder, H. (2009) Demographic change and industrial relations: How trade unions and employee representatives in Britain and Germany deal with the challenge of an ageing workforce, BJIR Workshop in honour of Richard Hyman, LSE London (UK): 28-29 May.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2009) The management of an ageing workforce: The impact of national institutions on employers´ age management practices in Britain and Germany, British Academy of Management Special Interest Group HRM, Cardiff (UK): 30-31 March.

• Muller-Camen, M., Flynn, M., Schroder, H. (2008) Age diversity at the workplace: A comparative study on the influence of national institutions on employers´ age management practices. British Academy of Management conference, Harrogate (UK): September.

• Flynn, M.; Higo, M.; Yamada, A.; Muller-Camen, M. and H. Schroeder (2008) Age Diversity at the Workplace: a Comparative Study of the Influence of National Institutions on Employers´ Age Management Practices in Germany, the UK and Japan. Presentation at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference, San José, Costa Rica, 21-23 July 21-23.

• Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Taylor, P., Flynn, M., Lewis, S., Matz-Costa, C., Sheaks, C., Besen, E., Sand Pictures: Perceptions of Older Workers at the 21st Century Workplace, A Working Paper Prepared for the 2008 AARP International Forum on the Future Workforce New Strategies for New Demographics , hosted in cooperation with the European Commission 23-24 June 23-24.

Book chapters • Flynn, M., Sargeant, M., Li, Y. (2012) Does organisational restructuring harm older workers’ health and well-being, Formblattfür die Veröffentlichung von geschützten Werken Dritter, Dortmund: BAUA

• being? Three ways to consider the relationshipFlynn, M. (2011) The ‘duty to consider’: How employers are managing requests from employees to delay retirement”, Gower Handbook of Discrimination at Work, Farnham: Gower pp235-246

• Purcell, C., Flynn, M. & Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (2011). The Effects of Flexibilization on Social Division and Career Trajectories in the UK Labour Market. In H. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz, D. Hofäcker and K. Kolb (eds), The Flexibilization of European Labour Markets: The Development of Social Inequalities in an Era of Globalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

• Muller-Camen M, Flynn M and Schroder H (2011) The impact of national context on managing age diversity: The cases of the UK and Germany. In Parry E and Tyson S (eds) Managing an Age Diverse Workforce. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 223-245.

• Schroder H, Muller-Camen M and Flynn M (2010) Rationale for and implementation of age-neutral HRM in divergent institutional contexts – Examples from Britain and Germany. In Kunisch S, Boehm S and Boppel M (eds) From Grey to Silver – Managing the Demographic Change Successfully. Heidelberg: Springer, 101-116.

• Flynn, M. and McNair, S. (2008), “What would persuade older people to stay longer in work?,” In Chiva, A. (ed) Older Workers in Europe , Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 24-37.

• Wilson, D., Flynn, M., and Frame, P. (2008), “Equality and diversity”, In Muller-Camen, M., Leigh, S. and Croucher, R. (eds) Human Resource Management- A Case Study Approach, CIPD, London, 91-112.

• Flynn, M., Brewster, C, Smith, R. and Rigby, M. (2004) “Trade Union Democracy: Issues and Contestations” in G Wood and M Harcourt (eds) Trade Unions and the Crisis of Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives Transaction Publishers, New Jersey, 319-351.